
Posts Tagged ‘Law of Attraction’

The Helix Nebula NASA Image


If you have been doing Cosmic Breath along with me, for any length of time, you would have noticed that the Cosmos can be a hard Task Master. They bring us to the Highest Highs and the Lowest Lows..

Even with all the ups and downs I continue to show up to them and the world, honestly and humbly sharing my experiences doing this tool.

But I ask you? Is it simply just a breathing tool. No, I’ve now seen and lived it, as not merely a spiritual breathing technique but a powerful, energy frequency, raising vibrational tool at the highest Caliber.

I came to mention that I learned to ground first before doing this breathing (a suggestion is in the last post) now I add it is very important to go into Nature as much as you can when you are using the Cosmic Breathing in Combination to Power Dates.  This is important to help you stabalize this energy and hold onto the Love Vibration you are invoking.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to pass on the new things and upgrades to assist with this path. Recently, I learned Saturn is a grounding planet and I was advised from an Astrologer to always begin the Cosmic Breath to this planet first.

When the fighting arrives, with my Husband,who projects his ego, I now recognize a breakthrough is close at hand to his Divine Self again.

The newest aid to use when doing the cosmic Breath is Forgiveness…and the story will be told on the 11.11.11 radio show episode of why and how it is essential to the growth and breakthrough of resistance of this vibrational frequency that occurs in those closest to us…. below is the short answer…

Caution, Courage, and an aid for you to over come the Challenges that  may arise from connecting to the Cosmos.

  • Have you noticed when you do an energy tool it helps you feel really good, and then patterns come up and it feels like you drop into the darkness. Finally  a breakthrough shifts the pattern and then we can shine even brighter. This is what happens by doing the Cosmic Breath
  • My experience when I raised my frequency back in 2009 when I first did this breath, my partner and I fought a lot… we even separated for a few months…in that time I worked on forgiveness in every area of my life and eventually, found the Ho’nopononpono a Hawaiian forgiveness tool. Now that I am doing this Breath again, we fought this past weekend. However, now I have the awareness to use the forgiveness tool, and we made up right away. Yes, its that powerful to shift the energy quickly.
  • I now have the compassion to see that when he is argumentative, a  break through is close ..but boy does he resist this high frequency of the cosmos…and he’s been on a spiritual path for many years….hmmm


Combine the Cosmic Breath with the quick Forgiveness tool

Ho’oponopono a simple, yet powerful energy medicine from Hawaiian shamanism

I’m sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank you, I Love you.

– quickie notes for the prayer:

I’m sorry that I’ve been unaware of the program that is bringing this problem into my life.
I’m sorry for whatever unconscious program I have in place
Please forgive me – I’ve been unaware
Thank you divine for taking care of the problem – thank you for clearing this problem for me.
Please clean/erase the perception of this problem
I love you returns you back to divinity – a connection to the divine

The Compelling story will be told on the radio show and why now I share this Breathe with Caution on…11.11.11

The incredible story of power of forgiveness and this silly sounding word-

The follow up tools are to go to Nature, let her nurture you….and help you hold the Love frequency you Invoked with this rhthym…the next step is Forgiveness and to use this fast practice I recommend Ho’oponopono…so it can stabilize the new Cosmic vibration. ..


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I Believe because I have been doing the Cosmic Breath this month the Law of Attraction lead me to this poem entitled ‘Rainbow Warriors, the Stars are Calling’…hmmm am I a Rainbow Warrior or is this a call to Guide Rainbow Warriors to do the Cosmic Breath?

I came across this blog 2012 Rising that has many versions of the Prophecy’s on the Rainbow Warriors …the blog is a good read that confirms for me that the time is now to be Sending and Receiving Love from the Cosmos. I’ve included another version of the Rainbow Warriors

Prophecy..and the Line that jumped out is “Rainbow Warriors, the Stars are calling…


rainbow warriors

This piece,  is just one telling as ascribed to the 19th century mystic Eyes of Fire, a wise-women of the Ininiwok peoples, commonly known now as the Cree Indians:

The sky is clouding, the grass is fading,
People in anguish, the dark is rising.
The Earth She writhes beneath the claws
of the minds that are poisoned

Her children tossed on the waves
of cruel desire and corruption
It could be you, don’t shrink away
from the need of the hour

Don’t turn away from the hand
stretched in pain of your Mother.
Her name means freedom, Her body earthgreen,
Her blood clear water, her voice is birdsong.

The Earth cries out, can’t you hear,
take your courage in hand now.
Our deeds must speak of the love for all beings
waxing strong now

We can’t allow the heartless ones
to destroy this great wonder
Slaughtering wales, felling trees,
with no thought for the future.

Here rule the demons, they love no creature,
Their words are poison, they weave dark futures.

Gather all ye who love the world
from distant lands beneath the tall sky
In visions past I have seen you awake the spirit moving

Gather all ye who love the world
from distant lands beneath the tall sky
In visions past I have seen you awake the spirit moving

And now the wind is shifting, the tide is turning,
The mist is rising, a rainbow forming

Rainbow warriors, the stars are calling
Rainbow warriors, the trees are falling
Rainbow warriors, the spirit dying,
Rainbow warriors, the world is crying out in pain.

And I shall never rest in peace till this cruel reign is ended
And all the children of the Earth shall be free,
Her wounds all mended.
Your time has come, make the Earth green again,
don’t delay now.

Victory has been foreseen for the people who do.
Rainbow warriors, create new Eden,
Clear rain a’falling, blue sky unending,

Unfearful faces, starlight revealing,
Small creatures dancing, glad voices singing,
Free children playing with chains that are broken,

Rainbow warriors, the future lies within you

The source – http://2012rising.com/article/the-new-children-prophecies-of-the-rainbow-warriors

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Free your mind of doubt and fear.” One way of doing this is with two games my partner and I discovered. The FREE GAME and switching the worry game we are hooked into, to a ‘WONDER GAME’. This may have come to me because I see life reflected in the game of golf, and because I teach how to play within playing a game, I find it easier to play the game of life.

My partner and I began playing the FREE Game a little over two years ago and we have only shared it with a few people, today I would like to share it with the world.

To play the game we  put our intentions out to the Universe, we place our order so to speak, and we let go in wonder of how it is going to come. This is when life becomes a game. We say, I wonder how we will get…..for free! Then when it arrives, we celebrate, we are so happy and thankful and then without intentions we say ‘THANK YOU Universe, I WONDER WHAT WE WILL GET NEXT FOR FREE !”  The more we stay in wonder the more the Universe delights in giving to us.

Over time, we see we do not have take everything that is presented for free and of course the Law of Attraction comes into play, since so many FREE things are brought to our attention. Our discovery first came by releasing most of our material possessions for our move out west from Ontario. This truth has been revealed in many areas for us, as we clear our clutter and begin to let go, we create space for new to come in. Nature abhors a vacuum, this can be easily viewed in our homes, if you have an empty closet it isn’t long before it gets filled up. This same principle is applied to our minds and lives.

This is what we have received for FREE thus far: food, clothes, shoes, boots, coats, car repairs, furniture, electronics, money, love, compliments, beautiful sights,  yes even Golf Clubs and countless little things that come almost instantly, it is too much to log about.


When we first moved to B.C. we lived in Salt Spring, it was beautiful there, but not much work. I was guided to come to North Van some 8 months later and we only had $500.00 and a little trailer to live in and no credit cards to fall back on. Luckily we found a place to rent within the week and my partner found a job within two days. I believe this occured because  we were not in fear of the new. We had discovered how to trust the process of living in the unknown before we got here, this was a huge blessing, such a switch from years ago. We stayed in anticipation of the new and because of this higher frequency of excitement we attracted everything so quickly, (almost our whole furnishings for free).

I encourage you to try it…you’ll like it!Whether you have a little right now or a lot.

Let go in wonder, the more you are relaxed, happy and grateful the easier the Universe can give you a helping hand.


Margarit Brigham

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