
Posts Tagged ‘healing’

I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you

I use this Hawaiian Shamanism tool myself when giving and doing the Cosmic Breath technique.

Do you know the miraculous story of how Dr. Len Hew cured a whole ward of criminal patients in a hospital with these four words?

I will retell it again in a moment, but first I would like to share why I have come to use Ho’oponopono  as a companion aid to the Cosmic Breath.



I feel compelled to highlight this forgiveness tool since 100 more people listened to last years radio show episode of doing the cosmic breath on 11/11/11.
11 is THE Master number vibration and it can be a challenge for you to ground this powerful and sometimes volatile and unpredictable energy.

As our Hearts expand with the Cosmic Breath, it feels like others around us who are not doing it and/or our very own ego makes our hearts contract for a few days. This does pass, but using Ho’oponopono makes the transition to stabilize the Higher frequency much smoother and quicker.

The Miracle Story~Ho’noponopono

The Hawaii State Hospital once had a special department for the criminally insane – “a prison within the hospital.” This ward, occupied by severely mentally ill patients, murderers, and rapists, had a disastrous reputation for many years. Although many patients were handcuffed, violent assaults still occurred on almost a daily basis. Because of the extremely stressful and unpleasant conditions, many doctors and nurses did not report for work or simply quit their job, causing severe staff shortages.

In 1983, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a student of Morrnah Simeona, accepted the position of psychologist in this hospital. Soon after, the staff became curious about this odd psychologist who kept reading the patients’ files without ever talking to the patients. Dr. Hew Len explained that he was treating the patients by treating himself with the incessant practice of Ho’oponopono. He believed that everything that was wrong in the outside world – including the ward’s patients – only proved that there was something wrong within himself. So he repeatedly used the four key sentences (I am sorry; please forgive me; thank you; I love you) to remedy what appeared to be wrong within himself. The staff, of course, was skeptical, but three years later, all of the ward’s patients who were still present had been cured. This borders on the miraculous! From an allopathic point of view, most of these patients were afflicted with virtually incurable mental diseases.


The indigenous wisdom of shamanism – in particular the Hawaiian process of Ho’oponopono – has proven to be an especially powerful tool. Ho’oponopono means “to make perfect.” It is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation traditionally performed by a kahuna lapa’au, a Hawaiian Huna priest, but anyone can perform the modern variation outlined below.

  • I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. These four sentences can override and stop the compulsive flow of unwanted or negative thoughts and, according to the Hawaiian Huna teaching, clear away even old negative memories and programming.
  • This method is highly effective and practical because it is simple and can be done anywhere at anytime.
  • People can easily use these sentences whenever they catch themselves brooding or thinking incessantly about something negative.
  • The constant process of Ho’oponopono seems to bring about what Carl Jung would have called positive synchronicities: beneficial coincidences that seem to arise everywhere.

The Cosmic Breath Feedback

The most common thing people have been writing  me about after doing the Cosmic Breath is the value in actually experiencing the feeling of Love and Oneness!!! Like myself before I resurrected and tried this practice  many others have  read hundreds of books about love, without ever experiencing the feeling before.

And the thing that they appreciate the most from me leading them through this process is the transparency of how I am walking it, especially the difficulty with my beloved and what we have had to over come for me to keep moving this gift forward.

More Cosmic Benefits

When you do this practice and Connect to the Cosmos, it is the divine spirit reminding us of who we really are, and connects us with the Unity of creation, it opens up a gateway in our consciousness that leads us back home to the source.

However, this year the promise of being connected to the Cosmos brought an amazing surprise and bonus…we are walking and sharing how to live magical lives and a whole program developed this year to teach the world!!!

Which I named, Wise Women Setting your Magic Free  and has the Cosmic Love Breath as the foundation for the 7 M.A.G.I.C.A.L steps.

The Cosmos are coming even bigger for 12.12.12 and I will be teaching and leading this Love breath again to assist us in the Ascension process!


As always, we must sow before the reaping,

Love and Light


p.s. if this is your first visit just key in the words cosmic breath in the search box and you will get the unfolding story and how to do this powerful energy tool. If you read it like a book and do not do the practice than you will only feel your heart opening slightly….to feel the Love and expand your Heart, you must use the practice, the choose is yours….I can only point the way 🙂


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